Wednesday 18 February 2015

Mac Shortcuts to input Alphabets with Accents or Symbols


Mac OS Cheat Sheet: How to Input Accents and Symobols

Here is how to input accents and symbols with keys on Mac.
You can try to type on the form on the right of each row.

Mac Key Legend

symbol name
Command key
Control Key
Option Key
Shift Key
Caps Key
fn Function Key

Accents (Diacritic)

name example keyboard keys here to practice
cédille ç any ⌥ + c
capital cédille Ç any ⌥ + ⇧ + c
acute (accent aigu) é á any ⌥ + e, an alphabet
grave (accent grave) è à Japanese, etc. ⌥ + _, an alphabet
English ⌥ + `, an alphabet
circumflex ê î any ⌥ + i, an alphabet
Umlaut ä ü any ⌥ + u, an alphabet
tilde ñ any ⌥ + n, an alphabet


name symbol keyboard keys here to practice
Yen ¥ Japanese ¥
Yen ¥ English ⌥ + y
back slash \ Japanese ⌥ + ¥
leader any ⌥ + ;
guillemet start « Japanese ⌥ + ]
English ⌥ + \
guillemet close » Japanese ⌥ + ⇧ + ]
English ⌥ + \
bullet any ⌥ + 8
degree ° any ⌥ + ⇧ + 8
Eszett ß any ⌥ + s
euro any ⌥ + ⇧ + 2
apple any ⌥ + ⇧ + k
delta any ⌥ + j
function ƒ any ⌥ + f
phi ø any ⌥ + o
capital phi Ø any ⌥ + o

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