Sunday, 6 April 2014

git svn Commands State Diagram

 Some people haven't yet used Git because they've already utilized Subversion in their projects or they've never used Git and been afraid of it.
 Even in that case you can however use Git within your local PC, which way is to commit your files to Subversion from your local Git environment. Thus you'll get the situation other people use Subversion only but you use Git, which is anyway better than vanilla Subversion.
 How to use Git with Subversion? That's by a git command, git svn.
 I created the state diagram of git and git svn commands because I can find git diagram but hardly ever git svn one.
 Here you are:

 ">..." on an edge: git commands

Red edges: a flow to commit to Subversion repository

Blue edges: a flow to update from Subversion repository

 Can I help you, who are irritated against hackneyed Subversion or trying to use Git?